Originally sponsored by the Shreveport Kiwanis Club, the first Junior Livestock Sale was held in 1936 and had only one steer. Owned by Charles A. Harrison of Bienville Parish, the steer was called the “Baby Beef Champion.” The steer, which weighed 590 pounds, was purchased by Texas Avenue Café for 29 cents per pound.
The Shreveport Chamber of Commerce took over sponsorship of the sale in 1952, and in 1972, ALTAC proudly became the sponsor and continues to look forward to many more successful years to come.
A Special Market Place
The annual Junior Livestock Sale is the climax of the year’s project activity of 4-H and FFA exhibitors. As a learning experience and business venture, these young men and women have selected, fed, and groomed their steers, lambs, broilers, goats, or hogs to take to the State Fair to be judged, graded, and sold.
The Jr. Livestock Sale is their marketplace. During the auction, the exhibitors present their stock and receive a premium for their year of labor.
By participating in this annual event, the exhibitors receive small-scale financial support for their hard work and dedication to their agricultural business. Your continued support for these young exhibitors is invaluable in the long-term interest of our future leaders in agriculture.
2024 Sale Order
All Champions, Grand & Reserve, and Louisiana Bred Grand & Reserve, will sell first.
9:00 am-10:00 am Buyer's Breakfast in the Sale Arena ( no exhibitors )
10:00 am -11:00 am Buyer/Exhibitor Meet & Greet in the Sale Arena
11:30 am Festivities Begin
Wood & Metal Ag Mechanics Champions & Reserve Champions
Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Steers
La. Bred Grand & Reserve Champion Steers
Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Sheep
La. Bred Grand & Reserve Champion Sheep
Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Goats
La. Bred Grand & Reserve Champion Goats
Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Poultry
Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Swine
La. Bred Grand & Reserve Champion Swine
Participation & Requirements
The Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council supports the State Fair of Louisiana Livestock Shows and Show Rules.
Any violation of said rules will constitute a violation of the Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council rules and shall subject the exhibitor to any and all penalties outlined in the following:
- State Fair General Rules & Regulations.
- Junior Division General Rules & Regulations.
- State Fair of Louisiana Department Show Ring Code of Ethics.
- International Association of Fairs and Expositions National Code of Show Ring Ethics.
Such penalties include but are not limited to:
- Forfeiture of all awards, privileges, premiums, and sale of the animal.
- Barring from participation in showing/exhibiting all livestock and/or poultry in a 4-H for FFA event held at the State Fair of Louisiana for the specified periods herein, and/or subject to such penalty as the Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council may order.
Any and all violations will be reported to the following:
- LSU Cooperative Extension Service Livestock Management
- North American Livestock Show
- Rodeo Managers Association
Introductory Provisions
The Junior Livestock Sale (the “Sale”) is a terminal sale.
- Every animal that is marked ‘for sale’ by the exhibitor and qualifies for the Sale will be terminal with the exception of those that win the educational 4-H trip and are invited to participate in the LSU Louisville show. The LSU Louisville trip animals will be terminal after the show by the assigned chaperones or in accordance with the decisions and rules designated by the Ark-La-Tex Ag Council (“ALTAC”).
Junior Livestock Sale Participation Requirements.
- These rules are specific to the Sale.
- Exhibitors who have qualified to participate in the Sale shall accept and comply with these requirements.
- Participation in The Jr. Livestock Sale is a privilege not a right. The Sale is to reward and assist exhibitors with their projects. Parents and others working with these youths are expected to be examples of integrity and good sportsmanship. (Which most exhibit and is appreciated)
Failure to abide by this expectation may result in banning from this or future sales. - Any failure to perform in accordance with these requirements will subject the exhibitor to discipline as set forth in the ALTAC rules.
Sale Provisions, Standards, and Requirements
- ALTAC will select approximately 20% of each species, including Grand Champions and Reserve Champions, Louisiana Bred Champions and Reserve Champions and 15 % of the chicken pens including Grand and Reserve Champions.
- ALL animals that qualified and are posted for sale will NOT be allowed to leave the Louisiana State Fair premises.
- A sale list will be posted immediately after each Grand Champion drive with the animals that have qualified for the Sale. However, it is subject to change as exhibitors who qualify with more than one animal/species make their choice as which one to have in the Sale. (See #4. Below) The final Sale list will not be available until after the last market show. Each exhibitor wishing to commit their project to The Sale, must sign an “Intent to Sell” form within 2 hours after the completion of their show. This form is a legal and binding contract and cannot be modified or changed unless all parties agree.
Before signing this contract, you should carefully read it to ensure that you understand your obligations. - Any exhibitor who qualifies with more than one animal/species must choose only one of the two animals/species to sell. If an exhibitor qualifies with more than one project, and one of the animals is a Grand or Reserve Champion, then the exhibitor must sell the Champion. If the exhibitor qualifies with both the Grand and Reserve Champion, then both Champions will sell.
- Only the animals sold in the Sale will be terminal.
- Livestock exhibitors who qualify for the Sale will be responsible for the care, control, custody, and feeding of their animals through and to the point the animals leave the sale ring on sale day.
- ALTAC judges will award “best-dressed” prizes for exhibitors in each species based on neatness of appearance.
ALL EXHIBITORS entering the sale ring MUST be dressed in the same manner in which they would be for show.
Shirts must be sleeved, collared, with shirt tails tucked and a belt. Those not dressed accordingly will not be allowed in the Sale ring. - All animals consigned to sell are to be sold only by the registered owner/exhibitor, unless it has been requested IN WRITING and approved by the ALTAC Executive Board prior to sale day.
- All animals sold in The Sale become property of ALTAC.
- Any Premium money (Add-0ns) may be done if it is added on BEFORE the exhibitor’s species sale starts. This must be done with the assigned worker. The responsible party must sign the donated premium money sheet for each exhibitor’s lot. The signatory is responsible for the collection and remittance of the money to ALTAC. The amount of the exhibitor’s premium money will be announced and/or displayed as the animal and exhibitor enter the sale ring.
- ALTAC has the authority to perform examinations or additional testing upon any livestock that has qualified for The Sale.
- ALTAC reserves the right to mark Sale animals before or after the Sale.
Effect of Condemnation
- If any animal is condemned at slaughter for any reason, whether by testing results or by any USDA-inspector condemnation, ALTAC shall withhold any payment due the exhibitor.
- Any disqualified exhibitor will be barred from selling a market animal at The Sale the next year.
- Payment to the exhibitor will not be made until all drug testing results have been received and declared negative or non-suspect, as well as the DNA results a match.
- A commission charge of ten percent (10%) of the gross sales price will be levied against the animals sold in the Sale.
- All sale checks must be cashed or deposited by March 1st of the following year. No Sale checks will be re-issued after that date.
Thank-you Notes to Buyers and Buyers’ Groups
The Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council will mail the exhibitor a list of their buyers and their addresses shortly after the conclusion of the Sale.
The list will be mailed to the exhibitor’s address that is on file with the State Fair of Louisiana livestock office.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to inform the State Fair & ALTAC if there is an address change.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to write and mail a thank you note to each buyer A copy of EACH thank you letter must be sent to the Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council for verification. The ALTAC mailing address is:
Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council
P.O. Box 53226
Shreveport, La., 71135
(318) 987-3769- Copies of thank you letters must be received no later than February 1st of the following year. Upon verification, ALTAC will mail the payment due to the exhibitor in the form of a check, to the exhibitor’s address on file with the State Fair of La.
Add-On/Premium Agreement
- Add-on/Premium money is not intended to replace actually bidding on animals at the Sale.
- It is intended to provide an opportunity for individuals to participate who:
- Do not have adequate funds to purchase an animal on their own.
- Cannot be present.
- Do not have someone present to bid.
- Are unable to partner with an actual bidder at the Sale.
- It is intended to provide an opportunity for individuals to participate who:
- Those choosing to participate in the Add-on/Premium agreement will not receive public recognition of their contribution at the Sale.
- However, please include the names, business names, and addresses of all contributors on the official Premium Agreement Form so that the exhibitors are able to send their thank-you letters.
- ALTAC will not bill “pools” for Add-On/Premium money.
- One bill will be remitted to the individual signing the agreement or the entity they are acting as an agent.
- The responsible party assumes the duty of collecting and remitting the balance agreed upon to ALTAC.
- The donors will, however, receive confirmation of their donation for their records.
- Add-on/Premium money is not intended to replace actually bidding on animals at the Sale.